One of my favorite things is
imagining going to school
with younger versions of friends
who I’ve met since graduating.
My ideal day would be
doing a long yoga class with mushrooms,
walking around Fort Greene
and watching homes and lives spent in those homes
while sipping iced latte
with lots of honey in the bottom of the glass.
ტირილი ღამით
ოთახში ნესტი
წყლის ჭიქა თაროსთან
ჩემი ცხოვრების სველ დღეებზე გამოიზარდნენ სოკოები.
ფეხაკრეფით მივადექი კენკროვან ნაპირს
და წყალი დავყნოსე.
სუნი ჰქონდა მიურაკერებელი,
მარილიანი კლდეების და მორცხვი ბალახის.
I woke up later than I thought.
Last night was winter solstice,
The longest night of the year.
The day had eaten all my energy -
I think I talk too much every day
and the things I say are not really the things I mean.
I have changed,
gone further and returned.
Last night I sipped red wine -
Too watery,
not disturbing enough.
And stayed in the dark.
Darkness made wine taste better.
Sat there naked,
on my wooden chest,
after replacing the smell of my sweat on my skin
with lavender soap and pine oil.
I inhabit this body like a human.
But is that really my identity?
Nights like this
I hear a faint whistle
from the depth of my room’s sixths corner.
Bodies I’ve used up..
Stories I’ve lived..
Coming from what we now call “ancient”
And once was “present”.
We all come from somewhere
And perhaps I came from further away
then I realized.
A tavern on my block serves gin Orbium
that is essentially a magic combination of earth
and water
and air
and metal
and light.
Something so heavy can make one so lightheaded.
Is this not magic then?
Now, swaying in the train
over the bridge
which takes me to my beautiful cell,
cage of my time,
in exchange of my dreams.
I tell myself to love conscious discipline,
playgrounds of structure and logic
but why.
Grand street could not be further
from being grand.
I desire to be seen so much
because I don’t see myself.
how pathetic..
Dark is the night.
Light the herd of stars.
Let me see!