Meaning fades away faster than ink
on my rugged skin.
Please don’t expect honesty in return.
I only have humor left.
You set there quietly
while I told you stories of my lives and deaths
while venom of a green toad traveled in to my lungs
and brain.
It’s not for you to hear.
Blame me for misfortunes
I am bad luck.
Blame me for sadness
I am omen of depth.
Blame me for beauty
all of it was stolen from my parents’ youth.
Blame me for unspoken fights
I am old fashioned that way.
Blame me and blame shall enter my body
not unlike your anger when it left the ocean.
You were the son of the sea
blue-eyed and careless.
Blame me, my lord.
Blame me, God of Endless Seas and Storms.
Blame me, for I crave your attention.
The closer you get
the further my thoughts fly.
I was taught patience,
Not tolerance.
Collected myself into letters
and postcards
and movie theater receipts.
And when I lost them,
I was alone, even from myself.
Peppermint and fire
Made my skin thin and green.
I climb that happy tree
When you’re close to me.
If painkillers wear off
I think of your palms,
cupping my chin,
of your thumbs,
perfectly fit on my cheekbones.