I’ll try to smile sometimes
but then the absurdity of being here catches up again
and what I thought was “now”
turns into “would have been”.
I drink gin with the same vigor
as I used to drink water
when I was a child.
Have my father’s alcoholic genes
finally caught up with my brain?
I tried learning about your future,
but you were only the product of past.
You shield children of yours from true sun
and dripping water of the upstairs AC unit.
you are a bird
but still more human than many.
Summer arrived with
golden heat
blooming pomegranates
and sandy swimming suits,
Abandoned on the railing
of an old Brooklyn house,
in the exhaustion and haste
of lives lived fast.
I write for people
who'll never read.
You know what really hurts my heart?
You talk to me like I’m only in your past.
but I am here
I am here now.
I am always here and always now.
I’m sketching our rain again.
I’m not as fragile
as you imagined,
not as broken
as I thought.
Take me wherever you took all your thoughts
after getting rid of me.
Hunger is more all-consuming than anxiety.
you’ve just learned how to avoid it better.
I take stupidity as my only god-given talent.
Collecting fingers in my mouth.
have more?
What a stupid idea to share them with you.
all strawberries came to be for me!
Toys were your friends
and my gifts to loneliness.
Laying on the skin of dead horses,
I could smell wilderness of thoughtless speed.
Hands are my vision and hair is my balance.
You were a payment for whatever I didn’t pay for.
Well worth it.
I might look like a ghost,
but I have feelings like a living boy.
You know nothing about writing,
but you lived in a careless, romantic,
Bukowski way,
drunk and smitten with your own existence,
this world belonged to you.
you were beautiful for that.
For whatever reason,
you appeared and my life again started.
I’m running through the phases of my life
like halls of the Met -
drunk with beauty
and ever shifting love,
never lingering too long,
scared of the closing hour.