You are my floating Aquarius.
I am your Leo, left by the banks.
I kept all my toys away,
hoping they’d forget me one day
and live for their own purpose.
My room turned me into an animal,
one that’s pretending to be human.
I’ve spent years trying to tame myself.
“Curb your dog”.
But wild cats know no discipline
nor fear.
They attack.
They hunt.
They kill.
Did you see my gifts?
Did you play with their skin?
Ink flies on these sheets
like flowers fly to the water.
My sadness was long and superficial
but you never noticed it.
Planets knew all along
but never shared their knowledge.
and fuck planets.
who the fuck cares about them anyways.
Can you believe what we’ve been through?
Can you believe I did that?
a child of comfort and obsession..?
I was just your exotic doll,
Shipped from the land you never knew.
“2 year warranty -
Free returns!”
I’m your Mars in leather.
You’re my Venus in fur.
My name is like a breath.
Your name is like a shout.
Crystals. For pussy. groundbreaking.
Static Levitating, not floating without progression!
Tired of being comic relief
to your stupid, dramatic life.
What I wrote in May
Was a lie.
I still love you
Nothing compares to taking a wrong train
at 2 am
to a wrong direction
while drunk
high af
Walked out on you.
headed to get “drained”.
changed my mind.
too sad.
got a pack of parliament.
the N, to Coney Island.
stopped at the light,
Houston and broadway.
cigarette in-between my fingers.
plaid shirt.
your shorts.
Empire State uptown.
you in mind.
New York has been a fucking rollercoaster.
this shit would hurt
if I wasn’t high on nicotine rush.
Take your time.
I’ll keep mine.
My papers tell better stories
than my friends.
We’re two of a different matter,
both of ivory skin -
marble and pearls.
მარმარილო და მარგალიტები
Do you know why I don’t cook anymore?
Because I used to cook for him.
That was my “love language”.
Every time I try, I think of those times
when I cooked for him
to make him happy,
to keep him.
One day I’ll cook again.
But not now.
If these walls could talk…
They wouldn’t dare.
You tried to play me like a bass
but I was too broken for your taste.
my strings hurt your fingers.
my sound hurt your mind.
I wish I had been newer.
I wish I had been whole.
I wish I had been easier.
but broken instruments still have sounds.
we still have hearts.
we still want to be with humans.
I am stuck in an antiques store
waiting for someone to take a chance on me
knowing how broken I am.
waiting for someone who will feel my flaws
and won’t be disappointed.
waiting for someone to have me.
A thought occurred to me while listening to pussycat dolls’ “buttons”: რა უცნაურია რომ “ღილი” და “ღილაკი” (რაცლოგიკურად პატარა ღილს უნდა ნიშნავდეს) ორი სრულიად სხვადასხვა მნიშვნელობის მატარებელი სიტყვაა.
ძველი ბორჯომის ბოთლში ჩასხმულ და უცხოეთში გასაგზავნად გამზადებულ ტყემალზე მეტად iconic არაფერი გვაქვს ქართველებს
I boiled my tea, took out lemon, cut it in half and instead of wasting its juice on tea and honey, I took out my gin-tonic glass and the rest is history.
booze makes me so pretttyyyyyy