Saba's Chocolate Truffles Recipe


  • Instant oats
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Peanut butter
  • Unsalted butter
  • Honey or sugar
  • Maple syrup (optional)
  • Vanilla extract (optional)
  • Coconut powder or flakes (for rolling)
  • Roasted almonds or hazelnuts (for filling)
  • Salt (pinch)
  • Maraschino cherry juice (optional, as a substitute for honey or maple syrup)

Optional Add-ins:

  • Brandy (for a boozy touch)
  • Instant coffee (for a coffee flavor)
  • Chili powder (for a bitter kick)


  1. Cut the unsalted butter into small cubes and let it reach room temperature. Do not melt it in the microwave.


  1. In a large bowl, combine instant oats, unsweetened cocoa powder, peanut butter, room-temperature butter, honey (or sugar), maple syrup (if using), and vanilla extract.
  2. Mix the ingredients by hand to achieve your preferred texture. I like it on a little more stickier side because the coconut flakes stick better.


  1. Incorporate roasted almonds or hazelnuts into the mixture, by putting them in the middle and covering them with the mixture.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors.

Optional Variations:

  • For a sweeter truffle, add more honey or sugar.
  • For a creamier texture, add more butter.
  • For a nuttier flavor, increase the peanut butter.
  • For a more bitter taste, add more cocoa powder and a bit of chili powder.
  • For a refined texture, process the instant oats into a finer powder using a food processor.


  1. Roll the mixture into small balls.
  2. Coat each ball with coconut powder or flakes.


  1. Freeze the truffles for 30 minutes.
  2. After freezing, you can store them in the fridge or freezer. They will maintain a relaxed texture a few minutes after being taken out of the freezer.

Additional Tips:

  1. Adding a splash of brandy can give a boozy experience, but the truffles will be tougher to bite when frozen.
  2. Instant coffee can be added to the mix for a coffee flavor.


  • The truffles you tried had a liberal amount of honey and no sugar.
  • Using fewer ingredients can result in more identifiable flavors.
  • Adding chili powder and salt can enhance the bitter aftertaste, but this is optional (and preferred by me).

To me, these truffles are like bites of heaven, perfect for morning coffee/tea or an after-lunch treat. Enjoy! 😊

letters from june


Working for a psychopath has really helped

my self-esteem.


მე ფრთხილად ჩავჭიდე ხელი შენს ტკივილს,

და ფრთხილად ჩავიხუტე გულში, ააფთრებული,

როგორც შეშინებული ბავშვი.


კლანჭებში მომიქცია თამასუქმა.

უქმი დღე გამიუქმა.

არც მასვა და არც მაჭამა.

გამბერა და გამასუქა.

დამჭიმა და ჩამათუთქა.

ცომს წაართვა ღამით ფშვინვა,

არ აცალა ამოსუნთქვა.

უბედურის ერთი არის.

ვინ შვა! ვინ შვა!


სანაყინე ფიალაში ფოსფორის გვრიტი ჩავაფინე

და გადამწყვარ ტელეფონს მაწონი წავუსვი.

ყველაფერი მშვიდი ფართხალით ცდილობს

უცნაურობის მოშინაურებას.


I want to bring so much joy to my world

but my world is scared, and tired, and angry.


If you were a song,

you’d be the first song on my dreamy forest playlist.

I have loved every note of you

since the day I heard you.

letters from june


Some days I’m just jealous of those 

who can burn this world to the ground

with no consequences.


And while everyone else judged,

you found happiness in me.

It only took a day of warmth

and light in your eyes, 

to make mine bloom. 


At the end of every day

I’m a pet of my comforts - 

quiet and dark.


Logic terminated my dreams.

I gave them up for a career

as a service animal. 


We are collectors of things.

Things are collectors of their humans. 


My lungs are straws for humidity.

My vertebrae are pebbles. 

My ribs are wet beams

in your bedroom. 


Our mortality has never been clearer

then at the end of this weekend. 


Is this train route customizable?

I’d prefer today to be on the G

instead of the F.


Loneliness has been more comforting

than antibiotics so far.


I hoped you had coded

a love message 

into your Venmo request.

Not there. 


Tailored to our inebriation, 

traumas emerged with flowery pajamas. 


No pillow is complete without me

whispering melodies into its depth

at 3 am on Wednesday morning. 


We watched serious movies

and sipped dark cocktails -

pretending to be older. 

Was this the plan?

letters from may


My jeans have grown in size

since I started thinking of you again.


Paper clips or paper cuts -

office boy’s a simple klutz.


Patterns on my carpet

spell out your anxiety.

I’m here, writing over them. 


I’ve learned to collect books. 

They’re my cheap source

of pretend memories.


I smoked all of them. 

Now what?

Please leave them outside my door. 

letters from april


I consist of my persona

and your disappointment for it.


What chance of happiness do you think you have

as an immigrant..?

what chance of happiness ..

Time will catch up with you

or cancer will

or stress of your meaningless work

or loneliness 

or poverty 

or .. 

list goes on 

and fears, renting my mind,

have not crossed yours.

What chance of happiness..

of true,




basic happiness ..

And your small painkillers -

cigarettes and

cups of coffee,

hug me like their seizing child. 

nights at a movie theaters,

and conversations with friends,

and reading books in subway tunnels and

salty crackers!

small painkillers of yours

are only there to numb your sadness

and keep you company..

What chance of happiness ..

You’re tired.

You’re always tired.

You don’t have the privilege of not being tired.

You are a stranger here, 

a very strange stranger. 

Trying to prove things to other strangers,

and you’ll lose,

you’ll lose days,

and health

and hair

and weight.

forget seeking home.

we’re like children,

left on the subway platform.

I’m here with you.

At the station. Waiting.

Train will be here soon.

Will we end up on it

or under it 

But there is hope.

And while there is hope,

there is effort.

And this effort caries each day into night.

And mornings are when this alien hope,

With no alien number,

renews itself

reinvents itself 

like us.

day in and day over.

Smile for me

Isn’t this life beautiful!

this eternal search..


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