letters from june


Some days I’m just jealous of those 

who can burn this world to the ground

with no consequences.


And while everyone else judged,

you found happiness in me.

It only took a day of warmth

and light in your eyes, 

to make mine bloom. 


At the end of every day

I’m a pet of my comforts - 

quiet and dark.


Logic terminated my dreams.

I gave them up for a career

as a service animal. 


We are collectors of things.

Things are collectors of their humans. 


My lungs are straws for humidity.

My vertebrae are pebbles. 

My ribs are wet beams

in your bedroom. 


Our mortality has never been clearer

then at the end of this weekend. 


Is this train route customizable?

I’d prefer today to be on the G

instead of the F.


Loneliness has been more comforting

than antibiotics so far.


I hoped you had coded

a love message 

into your Venmo request.

Not there. 


Tailored to our inebriation, 

traumas emerged with flowery pajamas. 


No pillow is complete without me

whispering melodies into its depth

at 3 am on Wednesday morning. 


We watched serious movies

and sipped dark cocktails -

pretending to be older. 

Was this the plan?

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