letters from march


დამიკოცნი ხელებს

თუკი ისევ გნახავ?

შემეჩვევი ისევ

თუ შენთან ვიქნები?

გეყვარები ისევ

თუ მე მაინც

თავგადასავლებზე გაგცვლი?


შენი ფრთები 

ჩემს ფრთებზე მძიმეა.

შენი გაფრენა 

ჩემსას აჭარბებს.

სიცოცხლე შენი მეგობარია.

ჩემი კი - სიფრთხილე.


We had Paris.

Can we have Vienna?

I’m in New York,

but I will leave soon.

Would you come?


I’m coughing blood and sadness out

like they don’t belong in me.


I’m afraid that you’re in love

with someone else

who doesn’t resemble me.

Because everyone I’ll ever love

will have to be like you,

feel the way you did.


Did you know that

all my favorite films have you?

your smell,

your smile,

the way you talked,

the way you kissed,

the way your body warmed mine,

the way you filled my mouth..


My heart only travels to the past.

My mind won’t stop thinking about the future.

And my body gets less and less attractive in present.

I miss you.


Today is your 8th birthday

without me.

I wait for this day all year,

so I can just type “joyeux anniversaire”

and send it to the past.


You ate kale

and I smoked cigarettes.

You wanted life.

Life wanted you!

People wanted YOU!

I did not share their passion.


Take me back to the state of non-being,

back to December

when days were far too long

and night were darker.

Do you remember?

for me December was the month of

disappearance into myself.

Take me back to nothing.

Take me back to December. 


Trapped in the same hotel we stayed in, 

could barely find it..

Arrondissement 5?


I am silent

because people who will hear me

are made of glass and mirrors.


Don’t pay me for time

pay me for patience.


Headphones that lay spread on the beds

and chains looked like you -

open legs and hungry for electricity.


დიახ, დოლორეს,

ამას გეუბნებოდი ამდენი ხანი!

რატომ არ მისმენ, არ ვიცი.

არ გინდა, ნუ გინდა.

მიმატოვე, წადი.

წახვალ, რატომ ბრუნდები?!

მე შენი ვერაფერი გავიგე.

დოლორეს, ხომ კარგად ხარ?

გიჟი ხომ არ გიჭამიათ?

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